Meditating can be challenging for so many of us. We have been raised to crave success and pleasure. Success in our Western culture is often defined by how much we can get done, how much we accomplish, how much we earn, how much we possess. We go about our days rushing, being busy, feeling stressed and agitated - until we feel burnt out and exhausted. Or perhaps we find ourselves in painful circumstances. We struggle with our health or the well-being of our loved ones. Financial hardship takes its toll. Physical and emotional pain hurts! We simply want to find a way to NOT feel that way. When we don't want to feel the way we're feeling, we too often tend to eat inappropriately, consume alcohol or other mood altering agents, or collapse on the couch and escape by watching television or endlessly scrolling on our devices. Yet we don't feel better. We come to realize that there's more to life than ...